About US

InterPRO UrologyTM was founded by clinical researchers and technology experts to support improved patient outcomes in overactive bladder (OAB) and other urological conditions. Our programs provide individual patients information and tools to support treatment compliance and enhance personal decision making. Additionally, the data we generate helps to inform healthcare professionals' disease and treatment understanding through real world evidence from population data.

What We Do

Blad.drTM is a comprehensive, free, patient-reported outcome tool, featuring resources for both you and your patients with overactive bladder (OAB).

  • Review patient information on a secure web portal
  • Monitor changes in symptoms and disease progression over time
  • View de-identified aggregate data from Blad.drTM participants
  • Create custom cohorts to compare individual or population data
  • Identify trends in data to analyze treatment approaches
  • Enhance communication with your patients and peers
  • Features includes validated surveys, bladder diary, bladder training, educational resources, and bathroom finder.

To stay informed about the upcoming release of Blad.drTM, sign up at bladdr-app.com

For more information about Blad.drTM, please contact us at info@interpro-uro.com